Innovative Fuel Solutions for the Modern World


Trasportation Management Software (TMS)

Digital Fuel Solutions was developed by John McMahon of McMahon Transport Group, LLC. John spent the first 25 years of his career not only managing operations and dispatching, but also working in the field driving and delivering fuel in the bustling Chicago/Northern Indiana market. Through these experiences John realized that there was a better, more efficient way to manage the many different facets of the industry.

In 1999, John developed his first dispatching solution on Microsoft Excel. The following year, he built his second version on Microsoft Access, and continued to update this for versions three through five. The sixth and current version of DFS went fully active in 2007 and has excelled in every task. These years of dedication ensure that the final product is of the highest quality and is as easy to use as possible.


John McMahon

Chief Executive Officer

In 1989, John and his father James McMahon opened McMahon Transport. John not only drove a truck for 12 years, he also handled all of the dispatching, ordering, communications with distributors and station owners, and all daily operations. After much frustration answering two pagers and three cell phones, John knew he had to develop a management system that could not only save him time and money, but also help his company grow. John understands the industry inside and out. He also knows how much DFS can help a transport company, like it did for McMahon Transport. After a long week behind the wheel at work, John likes to unwind on the weekend by racing cars on the race track.

Alex Correa

Vice President of Information Technology

Alex brings years of experience building high performance teams and systems for many fortune 500 companies. Alex learned programming early in his career and hasn't stopped since. He works hand in hand with the team constantly improving DFS. His passion for technology coupled with his excellent customer service makes him a great asset to the DFS team!

DFS Team

The rest of the DFS team bring years of experience in Information Technology, Sales, Marketing, Customer Service and Support. Effective collaboration among these roles ensures that the website support team can efficiently address user inquiries, maintain website functionality, and continuously enhance the user experience.